Wire and cable

    Network products




  Underground ¨C Buried communication cable£º
  Underground ¨C Buried communication cable
  Underground - Buried communication cable
Application:                 Designed for telephone exchange center or the relay of intervals,
                                    which can be laid in underground
Feature:                      The spaces between core and shield are can filled with jelly to
                                   prevent the cable from the invasion of water and corrosive elements.
                                    PE jacket can prevent the AL shield layer from being eroded.
             Plain copper 0.4 to 0.9 mm
Insulation:             Solid, foam-skin, cellular PE
Cabling:                 Pair or quad; unit and sub-unit
Size:                     10 to 2400 pairs
Water penetration: Filling compound (if specified)
Moisture barrier:     Aluminium polylaminated tape
Armouring:                  Helical steel tapes
                                    Corrugated steel tapes
                                    Steel wires

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